What is serverless?

Build Freely with Servers Handled.

Serverless computing lets you build freely without managing the server infrastructure. Your applications will still run on servers, but they are invisible to you and maintained completely by your cloud partner. Your own code is run much the same as you would use SaaS software and you just pay as you go by usage, which in the great majority of cases allows you to reduce costs significantly as well as removing the burden of predicting workloads and upfront costs of capital expenditure. This gives you the freedom to put as much of your resources as possible into your development.

Getting started on serverless with our team means that workloads such as capacity planning, server maintenance, scaling, patching, failover, disaster recovery or any other server management tasks will be handled by Fluxus and AWS. Our team and yours will be in close collaboration to ensure your system is running as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible, with on-demand pricing ensuring you get the best value out of your budget. This allows your system to be scaled up (or down) faster and far more flexibly than is possible with traditional servers.

Through any layer of your application stack, using serverless AWS services with Fluxus lets you develop in a more agile, focused way, with first-rate server management and immediate scalability.

Get started with Serverless.

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