WAF and lenses

Guidelines for an ideal build.

Any cloud development done by our teams follows the Well-Architected Framework, or WAF. This is a set of architectural best practices to make the most out of developing on the cloud. Development that follows WAF principles yields systems that are reliable, secure, and cost-effective. When partnering up with us, our cloud consultants will be able to guide your development process through the five pillars of the WAF, and really play to the strengths of the AWS ecosystem we use.

The Five Pillars

In developing on AWS and following the Well-Architected Framework, you'll be following five essential sets of design principles and best practices. These are the WAF five pillars, and all of them need to be equally considered.

Operational Excellence. This pillar is all about delivering business value with systems that work well. By improving workloads and processes and responding well to changes, everything runs more smoothly. Learn more.

Security. Keeping your information safe is a top priority. Following the security pillar means your system stays protected through confidentiality, privilege management, and other security controls. Learn more.

Reliability. With a reliable system, everything runs as intended and achieves the right results. That's what the reliability pillar is most concerned with. Your system should be resilient to change and able to recover from any failures as quickly and efficiently as possible. Learn more.

Performance Efficiency. When your system satisfies the performance efficiency pillar, it's allocating and using its resources in the best possible way. Your workloads should be the right size to handle what you throw at them, and performance of the whole system should be routinely monitored. Learn more.

Cost Optimization. Your system should operate with nothing going to waste if possible, especially with your budget. This pillar is focused on cost-effective budgeting for your system and planning for your scaling requirements while keeping that in mind. Learn more.

Solid cloud architecture that works, fulfils your business's needs, and maximizes the use of what AWS has to offer follows these five pillars' guidelines. If all these needs are met, these principles adhered to, and best practices followed, you can be sure your system is in the right place.

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