
Guidelines for an ideal build.

Building on the cloud involves making a lot of very important initial decisions as to how your architecture will be laid out. If your business is still new to the world of cloud, the way it'll best fit your business might not be apparent. This is one of the first solutions we'd love to give you as your cloud consultant. We can advise on whether to go with a more traditional cloud computing setup, or head down the serverless path for more specific needs.

Why serverless?

Serverless with AWS addresses and solves very specific needs. If these needs match those of your business, you'd benefit from choosing serverless architecture.

If you:

  1. Need your system to scale automatically to meet demand at a moment's notice,
  2. Want the most cost-effective solution, only paying for exactly what you need as you need it,
  3. Need the fastest possible deployment for your code updates, or
  4. Want to focus on your code with no maintenance needed for anything related to the cloud server,

Then serverless is the way to go!

If you have higher priorities, such as top-notch security requirements, frequent testing needs, or a focus on maximizing performance, we'll be able to guide you to another AWS cloud solution that works for you. Find out if serverless is right for you.

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Have a specific problem but unsure how to proceed? We can help you nail down specifics and choose an approach together. Reach out for a free consultation!