TES Global: Becoming a Digital Force

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TES Global, a leading publication in the education field, had a big goal: completely shifting priorities from print to digital. Some systems existed digitally in the form of proprietary digital systems, but without much in the form of interoperability. A central, streamlined platform that covered their entire publishing platform was needed, while maintaining all content and retaining users. Fluxus was selected as a partner for this migration.

This transformation required content, data, users, workflows, and more to be transferred in a live rolling migration, so as to prioritize digital workflows while keeping existing search rankings. To facilitate this, the Fluxus team automated migration of a library of 120,000 published pieces, dating back to 1994. Data was cleaned up and transformed into more useful forms, and a lot of unneeded build-up in the system was purged.

For the new platform, Fluxus built using a combination of Drupal open-source and AWS. Development was led using an impact-driven Kanban-based process to focus on high-priority items and emphasize project velocity. User interface was designed using Lean UX methodologies, keeping the process lightweight while still providing users exactly what they need. Following this transformation, the platform was a success, retaining users and carving out a place for TES in the digital space.

When it comes to transformation, it’s essential to have clear vision on where you’re going. With Fluxus consultants, you can benefit from a world of experience tailored exactly to your journey. Get in touch today!

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