
Why Serverless Changes Everything in Tech Economics

The popularity of cloud computing means that by extension, anyone familiar with the concept is likely also familiar with serverless computing. Since its introduction by Google in 2008 with App Engine and its widespread popularization by Amazon in 2014 with AWS Lambda, serverless computing has become an integral part of understanding what the cloud can do for businesses.

The Evolution of Cloud Economics

The servers of the past required a certain capital expenditure, a fixed overhead that you'd pay regardless of knowing exactly how much you'd use. The advent of cloud computing changed this model with virtual servers that were elastic, able to be scaled up and down at a moment's notice. This helped make server cost variable – you could optimize your spending based on exactly what was needed.

Serverless Takes Cost Optimization to the Next Level

Serverless computing, particularly Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) models like AWS Lambda, takes the cost optimization of cloud computing even further. With FaaS, you only pay for the code that's running. The cost is counted per function request and measures the duration of code execution. This level of cost streamlining makes even the variable cost model of traditional cloud computing seem relatively fixed in comparison.

Case Study: Coca-Cola's Serverless Success

Coca-Cola's digital transformation journey includes a significant serverless component. By leveraging AWS Lambda, the company was able to reduce costs and increase efficiency in their vending machine operations. Serverless allowed them to process data from millions of vending machines worldwide in near real-time, providing valuable insights while optimizing costs.

Fluxus Case Study: VERSO International School's AWS Integration

Fluxus helped VERSO International School in Bangkok create a versatile integration platform using AWS serverless components. The goal was to seamlessly connect various 3rd party systems, such as student information systems, security gates, and parent dashboards.

By adopting a serverless approach, Fluxus was able to develop a high-quality, low-code, and low-maintenance solution in a fraction of the time and cost compared to traditional methods. The use of AWS managed services like API Gateway and Cognito made the project more reliable, easier to maintain, and highly secure.

The serverless architecture allowed for greater flexibility and scalability, enabling the school to automate most actions, such as sending emails to parents when students arrived. This case study demonstrates how serverless computing can revolutionize systems integration in the education sector, providing advanced capabilities while reducing costs and development time even on complex real-time systems combining online and offline systems. (Full case study here)

Serverless in the Post-Pandemic Landscape

The cost-saving benefits of serverless computing pair perfectly with the current state of the business environment post-pandemic. With distributed workforces and remote working becoming more of a norm, cloud computing is quickly becoming essential. Serverless not only supports remote work initiatives by enabling the rapid development and deployment of applications, but it also allows companies to optimize their technology costs in a time when cost savings are crucial.

Challenges and Considerations

While serverless computing offers significant benefits, it's important to acknowledge some of the potential challenges. Vendor lock-in is a concern, as serverless architectures are often deeply integrated with a specific cloud provider's ecosystem. Additionally, adopting serverless requires a shift in mindset and a learning curve for development teams.

The Future is Serverless

Despite these challenges, the benefits of serverless computing are too significant to ignore. Businesses that choose to adopt serverless and other advanced cloud technologies will be better positioned to succeed in the future. By combining the cost benefits of serverless with the convenience and flexibility it provides, companies can focus on creating value for their customers and staying ahead of the competition.


In the post-pandemic world, where remote work and cost optimisation are paramount, serverless computing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline their operations and stay competitive. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more companies embracing serverless as a means to drive innovation and growth.

At Fluxus, we provide AWS expertise on demand to help businesses manage their cloud and serverless projects. Our success with clients like VERSO International School demonstrates the tangible benefits serverless can bring to a business. Learn more about our outsourcing and augmentation options with a free consultation.

Django Beatty
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Debunking Common Myths About AWS Serverless